
Monday, 5 May 2014

Hello kitty FREE Pattern - English Version!!

Hello kitty FREE Pattern!!

Material & Hook :
* I use Local cotton yarn, you may use any other kind of yarn in your favorite
* Hook size 4/0 (Use the hook suitable to your yarn size)

Techniques :
* Magic Ring technique ( MR )
* Single crochet ( sc )
* Increase / 2sc in same stitch ( sc2inc )
* Decrease/ sc 2 stitch together ( sc2tog )
* Fasten Off ( FO )
Note : Working with continues round

Head : White Color
Row 1 = 6sc in MR (6 sts)
Row 2 = sc2inc in every stitch (12 sts)
Row 3 = "sc, sc2inc" 6 times (18 sts)
Row 4 = "2 sc , sc2inc" 6 times (24 sts)
Row 5 = "3 sc , sc2inc" 6 times (30 sts)
Row 6 = "4 sc , sc2inc" 6 times (36 sts)
Row 7 = "5 sc , sc2inc" 6 times (42 sts)
Row8-15 = sc around (42 sts) - 7 rows
Row 16 = "5 sc , sc2tog" 6 times (36 sts)
Row 17 = "4 sc , sc2inc" 6 times (30 sts)
Row 18 = "3 sc , sc2tog" 6 times (24 sts)
Row 19 = "2 sc , sc2tog" 6 times (18 sts)
Row 20 = "1 sc , sc2tog" 6 times (12 sts), FO --> Stuff the head

Ear (Make 2) : White Color
Row 1 = 6 sc in MR (6 sts)
Row 2 = "sc, 2scinc" 3 times (9 sts)
Row 3 = sc around (9 sts)
Row 4 = "2sc, 2scinc" 3 times (12 sts)
Row 5 = sc around (12 sts)
Row 6 = "sc, 2scinc" 6 times (18 sts), FO
---> Sew to Head

Body : White Color
Row 1 = 6 sc in MR (6 sts)
Row 2 = sc2inc in every stitch (12 sts)
Row 3 = "sc, sc2inc" 6 times (18 sts)
Row 4 = "2 sc , sc2inc" 6 times (24 sts)
Row 5 = "3 sc , sc2inc" 6 times (30 sts)
Row 6 = "4 sc , sc2inc" 6 times (36 sts)
Row 7 = sc around (36 sts)
Row 8 = "4 sc , sc2tog" 6 times (30 sts)
Row 9-10 = sc around (30 sts) - 2 rows
Row 11 = "3 sc , sc2tog" 6 times (24 sts)
Row 12 = sc around (24 sts)
Row 13 = "2 sc , sc2tog" 6 times (18 sts)
Row 14 = sc around (18 sts), FO --> stuff the body
---> Sew to Head

Hand (Make 2) : White Color
Row 1 = 6 sc in MR (6 sts)
Row 2 = sc2inc in every stitch (12 sts)
Row 3-10 = sc around (12 sts), FO - 8 rows
---> Sew to Body

Leg (Make 2) : White Colour
Row 1 = 6 sc in MR (6 sts)
Row 2 = sc2inc in every stitch (12 sts)
Row 3 = "sc, sc2inc" 6 times (18 sts)
Row 4-5 = sc around (18 sts)
Row 6 = "1 sc , sc2tog" 6 times (12 sts)
Row 7-9 = sc around (12 sts), FO - 3 rows
 ---> Sew to Body

Finishing :
After finish sewing all parts, make the eyes with Black Yarn and Nose with Yellow Yarn, dont forget to sew its mustache with Black Yarn....( Eyes and nose can also be attached with flannel


Note : 
This is the basic Hello Kitty pattern, if you dont want to make its clothes separately, the color of the body and the hands can be made with other yarn colors so it looks like already wearing clothes.

Good Luck^^
Pola dalam Bahasa Indonesia

Best Regards,
Online Craft Sanctuary

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